Cochu Blue Tetra
Cochu's Blue Tetra
Boehlkea fredcochui, also known as the Cochu's blue tetra is a species of characin. Its natural range is in the Amazon Basin. They display colours in a blue and pink hue. Keeping Blue Tetra in a well-planted tank with dark substrate will help diffuse the lighting and bring out their colouration.
It is recommended that Blue Tetra fish are kept in an aquarium with other shoaling tetra, and have plenty of space to swim - they may harrass other fish if kept in too small a tank. Blue Tetra are trypically peaceful, but have been known to fin-nip, so do not keep with long-finned fish.
Can you mix Tetra's?
Yes, tetras, sometimes school with different species of tetras for no apparent reason. And, sometimes, the similarity in size, color, and needs make different tetras live together making a single school. The best example of this is Neon Tetras and Cardinal Tetra.
Can fin-nipping fish kill?
Fin nipping can be very harmful, but not unrecoverable. Fin-nipping may kill over time because inevitably the fish will become stressed. Fin-nipping itself may be a sign of stress, as the aggressor may harass other fish when stressed itself. Keeping fin-nippers away from long-finned fish and increasing the available swimming space and habitat will often lessen the risk.
Approx. supplied size: 1" / 2-3cm
Maximum size: 2" / 5cm
Origin: Amazon Basin
Family: Characidae
Temperament: Peaceful, known to fin-nip
Lighting requirement: moderate
Ideal number kept together: 6+
Water conditions
Our conditions: pH 7.5, temp 25 °C
Ideal pH: 6.0–7.5
dH: 6-15
Water flow: moderate
Temperature: 22–27 °C
Ease of care
Easy. They require plenty of space to swim.
Spawning may occur with the eggs being scattered over fine leafed plants. Soft, acidic water is required for hatching to occur. Males may be differentiated from females by their slimmer, more streamlined form and more intense colouration. Not commonly bred in household aquaria.
Life Span
They can live 2-3 years in perfect conditions.
Photo is for illustration only - one supplied.
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